a close up view of a gray marble floor

Earnings & Time

The first question that I wanted the answer to and I’m sure a lot of you want to know if how much can you make matched betting? And also is it worth your time? The quick answer to these questions are it depends and also it depends.

With regards to the earning side from my research, talking to matched bettors and my personal experience you can earn on average between £500 - £1500+ a month. These figures are just the average from experience and you can even earn more if you put in the time and if there are big sporting event happening like the World Cup, Grand National and Wimbeldon. This is because the bookmakers send more offers and more lucrative offers. Quality and quantity.

How much time do you have to put in?

Well people I know only do an hour in the morning before the kids get up and a couple of hours in the evening while the soap opera’s are on. Me? Well due to my job I am able to put a few more hours in then most but the best part of it is that it is totally flexible and it can be fitted around your job, routine, family life etc.

To put it simply the more time you put in the more money you can possible make.

Again one quick thing I will mention that is important is that most matched bettors make a lot of money when there are big world sporting events (Olympics, world cup, Grand national, Cheltenham etc). This is because not only do bookmakers give you a lot of offers per day they also give you great odds that you can make even more profit. People have made £1000+ over a few days when big events are going on and some have made upwards of £5000 to £10,000 over the time of the event.

If you really want to make some serious extra money to your matched betting journey then it is really worth looking at betting during these events. You could use the extra money made from these to pay bills, go on holiday, buy something you’ve wanted for sometime, save it or use it as capital to start a business (this is what I use done) or you could just plough it right back into matched betting.